Graphic Designer and Illustrator

Matt (he/him) is a graphic designer and illustrator born in beautiful, sunny Florida. He specializes in traditional and digital art. He works in many mediums, including oil, ink, watercolor, pastels, and dabbles in photography. Matt has a B.A.S. in Digital Media, and is currently enrolled in Florida State College at Jacksonville, working towards a B.S. in Communication and Media.


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Art is the soul of everything. Every soul is full of brushstrokes and songs waiting to be released.My father, now a carpenter, was an artist. His father was too, and an old, faded billboard painting, eaten away by the sun in his hometown, boasts it. Every road bump, every problem, art is there for me, and any way I can make something, I want to try it. I've dabbled in all kinds of media, and I've landed on a love for drawing people, places, and everything in-between.My art is a love letter to the universe. With every piece, I try to put a little bit of me in it. That's art-little pieces of people built up to make something wonderful. Poetry is much the same. We're all trying to create something to disrupt the nothing of a white canvas, a blank page. I hope to inspire and create, until I have nothing more to make.